Brunswick Top 30 Industries for Cash Flow Finance

Top 30 Industries that can benefit from Invoice Finance

What Industries do we look after?

We can support most businesses in most industries if you have payment terms with your clients. The below list isn’t extensive, please use as a guide.

  1. Warehousing
  2. Manufacturing
  3. Wholesale Trade
  4. Retail Trade
  5. Transport
  6. Agriculture
  7. Infrastructure
  8. Engineering
  9. Mining
  10. Construction
  11. Management Consulting
  12. Security Providers
  13. Legal firms: Solicitors & Barristers
  14. Telecommunications
  15. IT Service Providers
  16. Media & Marketing firms
  17. Entertainment
  18. Health Care Providers (NDIS included)
  19. Repair and Maintenance
  20. Mechanical Engineering
  21. Architecture
  22. Commercial Shopfitters
  23. Real Estate
  24. Insurance
  25. Importers and Exporters
  26. Fashion
  27. Chemicals & Medical
  28. Consumer Electronics
  29. Home Furnishings
  30. Food & Beverage

If you have a cash flow requirement and your industry isn’t listed here, please contact us for a consultation, we are here to help you.

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