Late payment debts: We want to help explain the financing option of Invoice Discounting for Cash Flow funding.
Working capital requirements grow in line with company sales, utilising Invoice Discounting helps to free up a company’s cash for investment within the business.
Here’s how:
The value of the company’s outstanding invoices is used to improve the cash flow of the business. The amount that can be borrowed against accepted invoices is 80%. Using the pictured example, would mean that you have access to $219,696 on day 1. The debt is paid back when your customers pay their invoices, the remainder of the invoice amount after fees is directed back to you also.
This option of financing allows you to keep your credit control inhouse, it does require a monthly reconciliation of accounts outstanding, we help you do that. The bonus of working with Brunswick is that you can choose the Invoices that you would like us to fund, we don’t fund all of them if you don’t need that level of cash at this time.
Phone: (08) 8210 7800
CAUTION: fictitious names have been used in the example pictured for illustrative purposes only, does not reflect the accounts of any actual companies named.